
Ham Radio Contest Logging Software

QW QW is a Contest, Log and PR Program made by Mario, DL4MFM. Easylog Easylog by microware software; Eurowinlog Eurowinlog is a ham logging software using world map zoomable capabilities. Handling 32400 gridsquares, dxcc, dxcluster, qsl printing and much more. My amateur radio journey began back in the mid-1970s. I was about 12 at the time, with an interest in electronics that baffled my parents. With little to guide me and fear for my life as I.

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Product Reviews Average rating Last review MSRP
59+ Log, Analyzer, Converter 4 4.3 31-Dec-2003 $25
AALog for Windows 17 4.8 08-Nov-2009 $49.00
AATest 1 5.0 19-Oct-2005 $free
AC Log by N3FJP 205 4.8 28-Jun-2018 $15.00
Aether (Logger) by Andrew Madsen 18 4.6 15-Aug-2015 $$39.00
AIO (All In One) by WD8KNC 1 1.0 21-Jul-2012 $Free
alpinesoft nx7g logger 1 0.0 23-May-2016 $29.95
ARRL - Logbook of the World - LoTW 606 3.3 22-Jun-2018 $00.00
ARRL Trusted QSL (tqsl) 6 4.2 05-Oct-2017 $0 for LoTW Users
BBlogger 16 4.6 05-Feb-2014 $FREE
Cab-converter v1.01 4 4.3 11-Jun-2016 $free
Clublog 14 4.9 14-May-2019 $Free
CommCat 37 5.0 26-Jan-2019 $49.95 d/l Demo d/l free
CommCat Mobile 6 5.0 13-Nov-2012 $FREE
Contest Log Checker 2 3.5 12-Jan-2014 $25
CQ/X by NO5W 2 5.0 18-Jul-2009 $FREE
CQRLOG for Linux 25 4.2 25-Jul-2019 $0 - free
CT by K1EA 10 3.9 28-Apr-2006 $Free
DH9SB WordPress ADIF Log Search Widget 2 3.5 03-Feb-2012 $freeware
DX Tracker 3 4.3 29-Nov-2004 $39.95
DX4Win 68 4.0 31-Dec-2018 $89.95
DXBase 2000 and later versions 50 4.2 19-Aug-2016 $99
DXKeeper 29 4.6 26-Jun-2018 $free
DXLab by AA6YQ 163 4.8 27-Apr-2019 $Free
DXLOG & ClusterLog 2 5.0 22-Mar-2017 $$50
DXlog.net 1 5.0 11-Apr-2015 $(missing—add MSRP)
DXtreme Reception Log — Advanced Edition 2 5.0 15-Apr-2012 $Various
DXtreme Station Log Multimedia Edition Version 9.0 4 5.0 04-Dec-2018 $$89.95
EasyLog 11 4.6 24-Dec-2010 $89.54
FDLog 2 5.0 04-Mar-2013 $FREE
FDLOG by WB6ZQZ 1 5.0 31-Jan-2016 $free
Field Day Logger by N2TDK 2 4.5 26-Jun-2001 $(missing—add MSRP)
GenLog32 By W3KM 9 4.6 07-Aug-2016 $Donations Appreciated
Ham Log Program 4 5.0 25-Apr-2016 $10.
Ham Radio Deluxe 471 4.3 27-Aug-2019 $99.95
HAM-LOG for Windows 1 5.0 02-Apr-2007 $65.00
HamLog by N3WG 12 4.7 21-Nov-2018 $$0.99
Hamlog 4.0 (Macintosh) 1 5.0 21-Aug-2000 $49.00
HAMOFFICE 4 2 4.5 05-Dec-2009 $53
HAmOffice 6 2 4.5 29-May-2017 $45
HCLog 1 4.0 12-Jul-2010 $$20.00
HyperLog 4.xx 10 3.1 09-Oct-2007 $45
Java Logger 1 4.0 12-Aug-2010 $0.00
jLog 9 4.7 04-Jun-2012 $0.00
K7SU Ham Log 1 5.0 31-Mar-2013 $(missing—add MSRP)
KA1VGM NetManager 2 3.0 25-Apr-2007 $FREEWARE
KLog 5 4.8 04-Dec-2011 $GPL-Free
Kwiklog Classic 2 2.5 13-Dec-2004 $Free
KX3 Companion 1 5.0 24-Nov-2014 $$7.95
Log Window 35 4.0 12-Jan-2011 $89.95
LOG-EQF ver 9.06 22 4.6 25-Feb-2011 $(missing—add MSRP)
Log4OM by IW3HMH 68 4.8 12-Sep-2019 $FREE
Logger 34 4.4 21-Mar-2006 $0.00
Logger32 69 4.7 11-May-2018 $FREE
LogHX3 3 5.0 17-Jun-2019 $Freeware
LOGic 5.0 for Windows 24 3.6 16-Oct-2003 $129
Logic 6 for Windows 5 4.8 28-Feb-2004 $129
LOGic 7 for Windows 10 4.8 20-Feb-2006 $129 new, 69 upgrade
LOGic 8 - Logging for windows 27 4.7 14-Jun-2015 $129 new, $69 & $39 upgrade
Logic 9 14 4.6 19-Nov-2018 $130.00
Lux-Log 8 4.5 04-Mar-2012 $Hamware
MacLogger DX HD 3 3.7 07-Nov-2016 $$39.99
MacLoggerDX 161 4.8 07-Feb-2019 $95.
McQ_Log 1 5.0 09-Jun-2002 $0.0
MicroLog by WA0H 18 4.9 11-Nov-2014 $10
miLog 9 4.8 06-Aug-2007 $59.00
MobileLog - Logging software for PocketPC PDAs 1 5.0 04-Mar-2004 $29.99
N1MMlogger 86 4.7 03-Aug-2018 $0.00
N3FJP Contesting Software 85 4.8 03-Jun-2019 $6.00
NA by K8CC 3 5.0 22-Apr-2006 $(missing—add MSRP)
nGenLog 20 3.0 30-Nov-2014 $69
Paper Chasers Log by N0OKS 12 4.3 06-Dec-2009 $FREE
PortaLog by HamHeld 1 5.0 09-May-2005 $14.95
ProLog Logging System (All versions) 73 4.8 26-Jun-2019 $20. USD
Rabbit Logger ver 10.5 3 3.3 15-Jun-2002 $(missing—add MSRP)
RACES Logger (ARES too) 4 3.8 30-Jan-2013 $Free (hamware)
RCKLog 4 5.0 09-Jul-2008 $FREEWARE
RodLog 1 5.0 02-Dec-2007 $0.00
RUMLog for MAC OS X 13 4.7 17-Dec-2014 $Gratis
RUMlogNG for OS X 10.10+ 14 5.0 06-Aug-2018 $Free
RUMped for Mac OS X 1 4.0 29-Nov-2010 $$Free
SD by EI5DI 30 4.8 09-Sep-2019 $Key purchase required
Shortwave Log 9 2.8 11-Aug-2012 $FREE
SKCCLogger 1 5.0 31-May-2018 $Free Member
Skookum Logger for OS X 6 5.0 20-Dec-2018 $Free
SWISSLOG 14 4.6 27-Dec-2018 $Public Domain
TACLog by OZ2M for VHF/UHF Fieldday 1 5.0 17-Jul-2001 $0.00
The G8PUT Logbook Contest and Award System 1 5.0 03-Apr-2013 $0 to 40
tlf 6 5.0 28-Dec-2007 $0.00
TRLog by N6TR 7 4.9 06-Dec-2003 $75
TurboLog 3 4.3 08-Feb-2004 $98.00
UCXLog 13 4.8 27-Nov-2017 $Shareware
UR5EQF LOG 17 4.4 04-Oct-2014 $FREEWARE
VHF Log 2.8 3 4.7 20-Jun-2019 $23.00
VHFCONT by KC6TEU (freeware) 2 4.5 31-Jan-2008 $freeware
VHFTEST by WG3E (freeware) 3 5.0 11-Jun-2002 $FREE!
VQLog 25 4.2 25-May-2018 $15
Win-EQF 61 4.9 22-Jun-2015 $59.95
Win-Test contest logging software 24 4.7 19-Jan-2014 $45.00 EU
Winlog32 60 4.6 31-Aug-2017 $0.00
WJ2O 6 2.3 15-Jan-2001 $(missing—add MSRP)
WLOG2000 1 5.0 16-Jan-2005 $55 €
WriteLog by W5XD 44 4.3 07-Sep-2017 $30.00 USD
xlog 14 4.5 12-Sep-2015 $$0
XMLog 16 4.8 07-Feb-2010 $FREE
YFKlog 1 5.0 11-Mar-2011 $FREE
YPLOG by VE6YP 12 4.3 30-Mar-2008 $199.95
The use of a computer to log contacts has become an integral part of radio contesting.

Contest logging software refers to specialized computer software programs designed for use by competitors in amateur radiocontesting. Most contest logging software is written by individual programmers who are active radio contesters.


The primary purpose of contest logging software is to record the details of two-way radio contacts made during amateur radio contests. At a minimum, these details include the time, band or frequency of operation, the call sign of the other station, and the received 'exchange' data. This log data is recorded in a binary or ASCII format. Most contest logging software packages will also compute a running score for the contest during operation and will help track which multipliers have been 'worked' and which have not. Typical contest logging software includes features for post-contest processing of the log to prepare it for submission to the contest sponsor. There is great variation in the features offered and their specific implementation, which can lead to passionate debates among the supporters of specific software packages.

Common features[edit]

Many programs offer advanced features for controlling external devices; this can include controlling the frequency of a radio, sending Morse code over a serial port or parallel port interface, interfacing with sound cards used for the transmission and reception of digital modes such as RTTY, or controlling antenna or amplifier hardware. Some software programs include specific features for single operator two radios (SO2R) operations. A related market exists for software designed to analyze, convert, or manipulate log data recorded during radio contests.

Contest logging software, whether free or commercial, is available for DOS, Linux, and Windows platforms. Some contesters dedicate older computers specifically to running their favorite contest logging software.

Available software packages[edit]

The following contest logging software packages are widely used and available. Some are offered for sale, and others are available without charge under various licenses.

Contest Loggers - CurrentFamous serial killers in california.

Ham Radio Contest Logging Software Free



  • HamRacer Uses synthesized voice keyer
  • QARTest Only in Italian
  • VK Contest Log Mostly Australasian contests with some international events
  • TLF by PA0R, now maintained by DL1JBE Linux
  • DXLog - free since 2019

'Free - VHF-Only'

  • MINOS by G0GJV For European VHF/UHF contests
  • RoverLog by N1MU Multiplatform, VHF/UHF for fixed stations and rovers
  • Tucnak by OK1ZIA Linux Multiplatform, VHF (Limited HF support)


Best Ham Logging Software

Legacy Contest Loggers - not in Development

  • CQ/X de NO5W GPS Enabled for Mobile Contesting
  • KLog Linux[citation needed]
  • MobileLog by N0HR PocketPC/Windows Mobile PDA
  • NA by K8CC DOS
  • TR Log by N6TR DOS
  • VHFCTest4Win by S52AA VHF Reg1Test

Post-contest log analysis and conversion software

  • LM contestsoftware by DL8WAA - Legacy, not updated since 2013
  • JARL eLog Maker - Legacy, not updated in many years
  • LogConv by KA5WSS - Legacy, not updated in many years
  • LogView by EI8IC - Legacy, not updated since 2011]


  • Allison, George K5IJ (1985). 'The Super Duper--Part 1'. QST. Sep. 1985, p. 27.
  • Allison, George K5IJ (1985). 'The Super Duper--Part 2'. QST. Nov. 1985, p. 44.
  • 'eHam User Reviews' of logging software.
  • Newstead, Richard G3CWI (2001). 'Contest Software Reviewed'. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2005.

External links[edit]

Logging Software by AC6V

Contesting Software complete list by The DXZone

Ham Radio Contact Log

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