
Microsoft Dynamics Rms User Manual


4 Store Operations User’s Guide Starting and exiting Store Operations Starting Store Operations 1 On the Windows Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Dynamics RMS, and then click either Store Operations Manager or Store Operations POS. 2 Type the user ID and password provided to you by your Store Operations administrator. Mar 16, 2010  I am trying to find where I can get the 'Store Operations User's Guide' Got a copy with. FORUMS; ADD-ONS. CONTACT Forum Home Microsoft Dynamics RMS & Microsoft Dynamics POS Retail Management System (RMS) New Posts FAQ Register Login. RMS Store Operations User's Guide: Post Reply: Author: Message Topic Search Topic Options.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

Retail essentials provides a data import feature that is optimized to import data from Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS). RMS is a retail system from Microsoft that is a precursor to Retail essentials. The data import feature is built on top of the Data Import/Export Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 and uses Data Import/Export Framework entities to migrate data.

What data is migrated?

The data import feature helps you move core data, such as information about customers and products, from RMS to Retail essentials. The following default entities are provided for RMS data migration:

  • Customers

  • Products

  • Stores

  • Employees

  • Inventory

  • Vendors

  • Prices and discounts

  • Taxes

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 8, RMS entities that contain transactional or historical data are migrated to Retail essentials. The transactions can be viewed in the Retail sales and Retail store transactions forms. Entry status for all migrated transactions is marked as posted.

The following RMS tables and fields are mapped to the indicated fields in the RetailTransactionTable in Retail Essentials.

RMS table

Field name

Field name





























(Total - SalesTax) * (-1)



(Total) * (-1)













































SUM(FullPrice) - SUM(Price)





What data is not migrated

Entities that represent RMS functionality that is significantly different in Retail essentials are not migrated. The following entities and functionality are not included in RMS data migration:

  • Reason codes

  • Customer tax groups

  • Tuneup utilities free download for windows 7. Roles and privileges

  • Reports

  • Custom fields in migrated entities

  • Store-specific data (any data that is created at a store but not in the headquarters database)

  • Configuration parameters for administrative functions, such as database backup

  • Integration with third-party accounting software

If you want to migrate other entities that are not included by default, or if you want to support custom fields in migrated entities, follow these steps:

  1. Create or modify a target table so that it has the same fields as the entity. For instructions, see How to: Create Tables.

  2. Create a custom Data Import/Export Framework entity for the RMS entity, based on the table from step 1. For instructions, see Create a custom target entity for the Data import/export framework (DIXF, DMF).

  3. Migrate data by using the custom entity. For instructions, see Migrating data using the Data import/export framework (DIXF, DMF).

Prepare for data migration

Before you can migrate data from RMS to Retail essentials, the Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Import/Export Framework must be present in your Retail essentials installation. Additionally, you must finalize the data in RMS and then make this data available to Microsoft Dynamics AX.

For information about how to add the Data Import/Export Framework to your Retail essentials installation, see Install Retail essentials at headquarters. After the Data Import/Export Framework is installed, you must configure it. For instructions, see Install the Data import/export framework (AX 2012 R3).

To prepare RMS data for migration, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that all transactions in RMS have been posted. Use one of these options:

    • Open the RMS headquarters database in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Open a new query, and run the following command.

      The Number of Docs count should be 0 (zero) for every Document Status value except Posted.

    • Open the ReceivablesTransactions view, and make sure that all records have a Document Status value of Posted.

  2. Make a backup of the headquarters database. For instructions, see Create a Full Database Backup.

  3. Remove access to the headquarters database by setting the database to single-user mode. For instructions, see Set a Database to Single-user Mode.

  4. Run SQL queries to validate the RMS data and make sure that the data doesn’t have any issues that make it unusable in Microsoft Dynamics AX. We recommend that you check for the following issues:

    • Duplicate item IDs

    • Blank item IDs

    • Item IDs that contain more than 20 characters

    • Items that have a blank bar code

    • Items that have duplicate bar codes

    • Bar codes that include an asterisk (*)

    • Duplicate supplier codes

    • Blank supplier codes

    • Duplicate customer account numbers

    • Blank customer account numbers


The bar code information is stored in the Alias table in the RMS headquarters database.

If you find any of these issues, you must manually correct the data before you continue with the data migration.

Migrate data

To migrate RMS data to Retail essentials, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source to connect to the headquarters database.

  2. Add the ODBC data source to the Data Import/Export Framework.

  3. Configure RMS migration parameters, such as the language and currency.

  4. Initialize the RMS migration entities.

  5. Import the RMS data.

Microsoft Dynamics Rms User Manual

Create an ODBC data source

Microsoft dynamics rms support

To import data from your Retail essentials installation to the RMS headquarters database, you must have an ODBC connection. To create an ODBC connection, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start (for Windows 7) or Search (for Windows 8), and then enter ODBC in the search box.

  2. Click the ODBC Data sources application to open it.

  3. On the System DSN tab, click Add.

  4. Select the ODBC driver for SQL Server, and then click Finish.

  5. Enter a name and description for this connection, and then select the SQL Server instance that hosts the RMS headquarters database. If the server name does not appear in the Server field, type it. Click Next.

  6. Modify the authentication type or accept the default values, and then click Next.

  7. Select Change the default database to, and then select the RMS headquarters database in the associated field. If the database name does not appear in the field, type it. Click Next.

  8. On the next page of the wizard, accept the default values, and then click Finish.

  9. Click Test Data Source to validate that the new connection works. If the connection does not work, check the parameters for the connection, and then try again. When the connection works, click OK.

Add the ODBC data source to the Data Import/Export Framework

To add the ODBC data source for the RMS headquarters database to the Data Import/Export Framework, follow these steps:

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page.

  2. In Data Synchronization, expand Setup, expand Data import export framework, and then click Source data formats.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Source name column, enter a name for the data source.

  5. Click Type, and then select ODBC.

  6. In the DSN section, in the DSN type field, select System DSN. In the DSN location field, select Client. In the Name field, select the name of the ODBC connection that you previously created.

  7. Click Validate to make sure that the account that is used by the Data Import/Export Framework can connect to the DSN name. If validation fails, check your parameters, and then try again.

  8. Close the form.

Configure RMS migration parameters

Microsoft Dynamics AX uses the RMS migration parameters to determine some general configuration values for the RMS data, such as the language and currency. To configure RMS migration parameters, follow these steps:

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page.

  2. In Data Synchronization, expand Setup, expand Data import export framework, and then click RMS migration parameters.

  3. Select the language, country/region, currency, default time zone, and unit values that map to the default values for these parameters in your RMS data. When you have finished, click Close.

Initialize the RMS migration entities

Initialization creates the required Data Import/Export Framework entities and processing groups for your RMS data. To initialize the RMS migration entities, follow these steps:

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page.

  2. In Data Synchronization, expand Setup, expand Data import export framework, and then click Initialize RMS migration entities.

Import the data

You must first import the data from the RMS headquarters database to a staging table. You can then migrate the data from the staging table to the target table.

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page.

  2. In Data Synchronization, expand Setup, expand Data import export framework, and then click Processing group.

    The Processing group form displays six processing groups, as follows:

    • Level 0 Taxes

    • Level 1 Stores

    • Level 2 Parties

    • Level 3 Products

    • Level 4 Inventory

    • Level 5 Prices and discounts

  3. Select the first processing group, Level 0 Taxes, and then click Entities. In the Select entities for processing group form, examine the list of entities. Determine if the ODBC source data format that you created is selected in the Source data format field for all the entities.

    • If the source data format that you created is selected for all entities, go to step 4.

    • If the source data format that you created is not selected for all entities, select the first entity, change the source data format, and then click Generate source mapping. Repeat this step for the remaining entities in the list.

  4. Optional: If you want to see how the RMS data is mapped to the staging table for an entity, select the entity, and then click Modify source mapping.

  5. Close the Select entities for processing group form.

  6. Select the first processing group again, and then click Get staging data.

  7. In the Create a job ID for the staging data job form, record the job ID that is generated, and then click OK.

  8. In the Staging data execution form form, click Run.

  9. In the Staging form, change any job execution parameters as you require, and then click OK. The import process can take several minutes to an hour or more, depending on the volume of data.

  10. For the same processing group, click Copy data to target.

  11. In the Select a job ID to run form, in the Job ID field, select the job ID that you recorded in step 7, and then click OK.

  12. In the Target data execution form, click Run.

  13. In the Target form, change any job execution parameters as you require, and then click OK. The migration process can take several minutes to an hour or more, depending on the volume of data.

  14. Repeat steps 3 through 13 for the remaining processing groups, in the order in which they appear in the Processing group form.

When you have finished the import process for all processing groups, the RMS migration to Retail essentials is completed.

Post-migration tasks

After the RMS data is migrated, you must follow these steps to make the RMS data available in Retail essentials.

  1. Post all inventory movement journals. This step provides the starting quantities for the products that are on hand.

  2. Post price/discount agreement journals. This step posts discounts in the system to make them active.

  3. Set payments type for cash. This step maps the migrated cash tender to the cash type in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  4. Set up Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 for Retail stores for the stores that are migrated from RMS.

Post Inventory Movement journals

To post all inventory movement journals, follow these steps:

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page, and then click Inventory management > Counting.

  2. For each open journal, click Validate, and then click Post. When you have finished, click Close.

Post Price/Discount Agreement journals

To post price/discount agreement journals, follow these steps:

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page, and then click Merchandising.

  2. Expand Pricing and discounts, and then click Price/discount agreement journals.

  3. In the Price/discount agreement journals form, in the Show field, select Open.

  4. Select the first journal, and then click Lines.

  5. In the Journal lines, price/discount agreement form, click Post.

  6. In the Price/discount journal posting form, change any job execution parameters as you require, and then click OK.

  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each open journal, and then close the Price/discount agreement journals form.

Microsoft Dynamics Gp User Manual

Set payments type for cash

To set up a payment type for cash, follow these steps:

  1. In Retail essentials, open the Area Page, and then click Channels.

  2. Expand Setup, expand POS, and then click Button grids.

  3. Select the Payments button grid, and then click Designer.

  4. Right-click the Pay cash quick button, and then click Button properties.

  5. Change the value of the Payment type field to Cash, and then click OK.

Create Retail stores

For information about how to create a Retail store for each store that is migrated from RMS, see the topics in Setting up retail stores (Retail essentials).

See also

If you’re accountable for accounting in a mid-level business, Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting software can be your friend. Find out how to make your time in Dynamics GP go quickly and easily with these shortcuts and time-savers. And when you hit a snag, there are plenty of places to find even more help online.

Commonly Overlooked Microsoft Dynamics GP Timesavers

Microsoft Dynamics GP is designed to make accounting easier and quicker. Make it quicker still by incorporating these commonly overlooked keyboard shortcuts and time-saving features in Dynamic GP.

Selecting IDsWhile entering transactions, you place the insertion point in
an ID field and type the first few letters of the ID; Microsoft
Dynamics GP displays a drop-down list that contains all IDs that
match the letters you type.
Opening Lookup windowsYou can place the insertion point in a field that contains a
magnifying glass and press Ctrl+L to display the associated lookup
Keying datesWhen you enter a transaction, Microsoft Dynamics GP suggests by
default the system date on your computer. You can click the
calendar beside the Date field to select a different date or you
can place the insertion point in the date field and press + to
increment the date by one day or – to decrement the date by
one day. Each subsequent time you press + or –, Microsoft
Dynamics GP increments or decrements the date by one day. When you
type a date, you don’t need to key the year if the year is the same
as the system date, and you don’t need to type any dashes or
slashes; you can simply type the two digit month and two digit day
and then tab out of the field.
Automatically navigating to the Batch window for a particular
While viewing a transaction in a transaction entry window, you
can navigate to the batch containing the transaction if you click
the expansion arrow beside the Batch ID field. After the batch
window opens, you can close the transaction entry window, which
will now appear behind the Batch window, so that you can edit or
delete the batch.
Mass ModifyUse the Mass Modify chart of Accounts window to easily create
new accounts using information from existing accounts. You also can
use this window to move, make inactive, or delete an account or a
range of accounts. Choose Cards→Financial→Mass
Item CopyUse the Item Copy window to quickly create a new item using the
attributes of an existing item. Choose
Cards→Inventory→Item, enter a new Item ID number, and
choose Copy. When prompted, select the existing item you want to
use as the foundation for the new item.
Auto ApplyUse this time-saving feature in Receivables Management and
Payables Management to automatically apply credit transactions,
credit memos, and returns to as many documents as possible. Choose
Transactions→Sales→Apply Sales Documents or
Transactions→Purchasing→Apply To.

Microsoft Dynamics Rms Manual

Find Microsoft Dynamics GP Help Online

If you come across a problem or question that you can’t find the answer to in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you can turn to the Internet for the information you need. Here are some great places online to learn more about Dynamics GP:

PageURL and description
Microsoft Dynamics GP Home pagewww.microsoft.com/dynamics/gp/default.mspx
Using Microsoft Dynamics GP pagewww.microsoft.com/dynamics/gp/using/default.mspx
This page includes information and tools to help you deploy, use,
customize, and maintain Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0.
Customer Sourcewww.microsoft.com/dynamics/customersource.mspx
Customer Source is a password-protected site for customers using
Microsoft Dynamics GP and related business products. Customer
Source is provided as a benefit of a service plan; use it to search
the knowledgebase, download updates, view online training and find
other information resources. You need a login and password to use
Customer Source.
Benefits of Customer Source page
Read here about the benefits of Customer Source.
Customer Source Demo
Use this demo to get yourself using Customer Source quickly.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Developer’s Center on MSDNhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/gp/default.aspx
Use this site to help you find and share information with other
Microsoft Dynamics GP users and developers.

Create and Use Shortcuts in the Dynamic GP Navigation Pane

Microsoft Dynamics GP shortcuts appear in the upper part of the Navigation pane when you display your Dynamics GP Home page. Use shortcuts to quickly open frequently used windows and resources within Dynamics GP. For example, you can create one set of shortcuts to the windows you use regularly and another set for the ones you use for month-end procedures.

Default shortcuts are available to each new user created in Microsoft Dynamics GP. Any shortcuts that you move into the Startup folder start automatically when you log in to a company in Dynamics GP.

You can take the following actions regarding shortcuts and their folders:

ActionWhat to Do
Open a shortcutClick the shortcut.
Open a shortcut in a folderClick a folder name to expand its contents and click the shortcut.
Add a new shortcut folderRight-click anywhere in the list of shortcuts and choose Add→Folder.
Move a shortcut into a folderSelect the shortcut and drag it into a shortcut folder.
Delete a shortcut or folderRight-click the shortcut or folder and choose Delete.

To create a shortcut to a Dynamics GP window, open the window for which you want to add a shortcut. Then choose File→Add to Shortcuts.

To create a shortcut to a Dynamics GP SmartList, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the list of shortcuts in the Navigation pane and choose Add→Add SmartList.

  2. In the Add SmartList Favorite Shortcut window that appears, locate and select the favorite for which you want to create a shortcut.

    The favorite appears in the SmartList favorite field.

  3. Accept the default name or enter a new name, up to 79 characters, in the Name field.

  4. Choose Add and then choose Done.