
Photron Fastcam Software

  1. High-speed Camera
  2. Photron Fastcam Viewer Software
  3. Photron Fastcam Analysis Software

Photron FASTCAM Viewer (PFV) is computer software for controlling the Photron high-speed camera FASTCAM series. Not only control the camera, simple image processing and simple image measurement, file conversion, as file viewer, are equipped with various functions. In addition, cooperation with the waveform input device in option is also available. PFV software had gained many fans over the years for its robustness, reliability and ease of operation. With the release of several new cameras, specifically the super-fast FASTCAM SA-Z, FASTCAM SA-X2 and multi-head FASTCAM Multi.

High-speed Camera

The software also the user to create image sequences from industry-standard file formats, including AVI (Windows video), MOV (Apple QuickTime video), TIFF ( 8-bit or 26-bit file formats), JPEG, BMP (Bitmap), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), RAW and RAWW (native camera file formats).

High Performance High-Speed Camera System. The Photron FASTCAM SA-Z offers scientists, researchers and engineers the ability to capture high resolution digital images at ultra-high speeds to see and understand previously invisible processes and events.

Photron Fastcam Viewer Software

Photron Ltd provided an excellent product (FASTCAM SA-Z 2100K) and outstanding technical support for our research group (led by Professor Peter D Lee at the Research Complex at Harwell and University College London). Our group is a core team of the EPSRC Manufacturing. Photron FASTCAM Viewer software (PFV) provides a comprehensive and integrated imaging software trusted by professionals in a diverse range of industrial and scientific high-speed imaging environments.

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Photron Fastcam Analysis Software

Photron's PFV Version 3 and higher include binning options (to increase light gathering sensitivity), video trigger (to detect motion within the image displayed), bit shift (to select which 8 of the 12-bits are displayed for increased light sensitivity), enhanced navigation mode (divides the display area into nine squares, each controlling a different and selectable camera function), and MATLAB drivers for easy camera integration into your existing workflow.