
3d Game Engine

Creating a racing game in Blender Game Engine

3d Game Engine Programming

Unity is a proven game engine. It is used by a wide range of developers - from small indies to triple-A companies such as Microsoft, Paradox, Square Enix and Sega. HeroEngine is a 3D game engine and server technology originally developed for MMO-style games. You may have experienced Hero Engine in Star Wars: The Old Republic. It is the complete development platform for online games.

Bring your game alive in the day with sun shafts or take your players down midnight streets glowing with neon signs or into shadowy tunnels. Real-time rendering engine: Produce amazing visual fidelity with Real-Time Global Illumination, Raytracing and Physically Based Rendering. Nov 29, 2018  As you can imagine, 3D game engines tend to be more complex with steeper learning curves. Your art skills: Some engines come with a visual editor that lets you create art directly in them. Usually, this means pixel art or terrain maps (you can always import your characters and backgrounds from other programs too).

A game engine is a software-development environment designed for people to build video games. Developers use game engines to construct games for consoles, mobile devices, and personal computers. The core functionality typically provided by a game engine includes a rendering engine ('renderer') for 2D or 3Dgraphics, a physics engine or collision detection (and collision response), sound, scripting, animation, artificial intelligence, networking, streaming, memory management, threading, localization support, scene graph, and may include video support for cinematics. Implementers often economize on the process of game development by reusing/adapting, in large part, the same game engine to produce different games[1]or to aid in porting games to multiple platforms.[citation needed]

  • 2Components


In many cases, game engines provide a suite of visual development tools in addition to reusable software components. These tools are generally provided in an integrated development environment to enable simplified, rapid development of games in a by developing robust software suites which include many elements a game developer may need to build a game. Most game engine suites provide facilities that ease development, such as graphics, sound, physics and AI functions. These game engines are sometimes called 'middleware' because, as with the business sense of the term, they provide a flexible and reusable software platform which provides all the core functionality needed, right out of the box, to develop a game application while reducing costs, complexities, and time-to-market — all critical factors in the highly competitive video game industry.[2] As of 2001, Gamebryo, JMonkeyEngine and RenderWare were such widely used middleware programs.[3]

Like other types of middleware, game engines usually provide platform abstraction, allowing the same game to be run on various platforms including game consoles and personal computers with few, if any, changes made to the game source code. Often, game engines are designed with a component-based architecture that allows specific systems in the engine to be replaced or extended with more specialized (and often more expensive) game middleware components. Some game engines are designed as a series of loosely connected game middleware components that can be selectively combined to create a custom engine, instead of the more common approach of extending or customizing a flexible integrated product. However extensibility is achieved, it remains a high priority for game engines due to the wide variety of uses for which they are applied. Despite the specificity of the name, game engines are often used for other kinds of interactive applications with real-time graphical needs such as marketing demos, architectural visualizations, training simulations, and modeling environments.[4]

Some game engines only provide real-time 3D rendering capabilities instead of the wide range of functionality needed by games. These engines rely upon the game developer to implement the rest of this functionality or assemble it from other game middleware components. These types of engines are generally referred to as a 'graphics engine', 'rendering engine', or '3D engine' instead of the more encompassing term 'game engine'. This terminology is inconsistently used as many full-featured 3D game engines are referred to simply as '3D engines'. A few examples of graphics engines are: Crystal Space, Genesis3D, Irrlicht, OGRE, RealmForge, Truevision3D, and Vision Engine. Modern[when?] game or graphics engines generally provide a scene graph, which is an object-oriented representation of the 3D game world which often simplifies game design and can be used for more efficient rendering of vast virtual worlds.

As technology ages, the components of an engine may become outdated or insufficient for the requirements of a given project. Since the complexity of programming an entirely new engine may result in unwanted delays (or necessitate that the project be completely restarted), a development team may elect to update their existing engine with newer functionality or components.[citation needed]


Such a framework is composed of a multitude of very different components.

Main game program[edit]

The actual game logic has to be implemented by some algorithms. It is distinct from any rendering, sound or input work.

Rendering engine[edit]

The rendering engine generates animated 3D graphics by any of a number of methods (rasterization, ray-tracing etc.).

Instead of being programmed and compiled to be executed on the CPU or GPU directly, most often rendering engines are built upon one or multiple rendering application programming interfaces (APIs), such as Direct3D, OpenGL, or Vulkan which provide a software abstraction of the graphics processing unit (GPU). Low-level libraries such as DirectX, Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL), and OpenGL are also commonly used in games as they provide hardware-independent access to other computer hardware such as input devices (mouse, keyboard, and joystick), network cards, and sound cards. Before hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, software renderers had been used. Software rendering is still used in some modeling tools or for still-rendered images when visual accuracy is valued over real-time performance (frames-per-second) or when the computer hardware does not meet needs such as shader support.

With the advent of hardware accelerated physics processing, various physics APIs such as PAL and the physics extensions of COLLADA became available to provide a software abstraction of the physics processing unit of different middleware providers and console platforms.

Game engines can be written in any programming language like C++, C or Java, though each language is structurally different and may provide different levels of access to specific functions.

Audio engine[edit]

The audio engine is the component which consists of algorithms related to the loading, modifying and output of sound through the client's speaker system. At a minimum it must be able to load, decompress and play sound files. More advanced audio engines can calculate and produce such things as Doppler effects, echoes, pitch/amplitude adjustments, oscillation, etc. It can perform calculations on the CPU, or on a dedicated ASIC. Abstraction APIs, such as OpenAL, SDL audio, XAudio 2, Web Audio, etc. are available.

Equity theory of motivation pdf. Motivation theory: equity theory Equity theory is known as one of the general theory, which is very efficient in predicting employee behavior. Equity also defined as justice, inequity-injustice.

Physics engine[edit]

The physics engine is responsible for emulating the laws of physics realistically within the application. Specifically, it provides a set of functions for simulating physical forces and collisions, acting on the various objects within the game at run time.

Artificial intelligence[edit]

The AI is usually outsourced from the main game program into a special module to be designed and written by software engineers with specialist knowledge. Most games will implement very different AI systems, and thus, AI is considered to be specific to the particular game for which it is created. Many modern game engines come packaged with search algorithms such as A-star and subroutines for baking level geometry into a Navmesh which can help speed up the process of scripting AI behavior.

3d Game Engine In Excel


Some game engines experience an evolution over time and develop a family tree, like for instance id'sQuake engine which resulted in the id Tech family

Before game engines, games were typically written as singular entities: a game for the Atari 2600, for example, had to be designed from the bottom up to make optimal use of the display hardware—this core display routine is today called the kernel by retro developers. Other platforms had more leeway, but even when the display was not a concern, memory constraints usually sabotaged attempts to create the arose in the mid-1990s, especially in connection with 3D games such as first-person shooters (FPS). (See also:first-person shooter engine.) Such was the popularity of Id Software's Doom and Quake games that, rather than work from scratch, other developers licensed the core portions of the software and designed their own graphics, characters, weapons and levels—the 'game content' or 'game assets'. Separation of game-specific rules and data from basic concepts like collision detection and game entity meant that teams could grow and specialize.

Later games, such as id Software's Quake III Arena and Epic Games's 1998 Unreal were designed with this approach in mind, with the engine and content developed separately. The practice of licensing such technology has proved to be a useful auxiliary revenue stream for some game developers, as one license for a high-end commercial game engine can range from US$10,000 to millions of dollars, and the number of licensees can reach several dozen companies, as seen with the Unreal Engine. At the very least, reusable engines make developing game sequels faster and easier, which is a valuable advantage in the competitive video game industry. While there was a strong rivalry between Epic and id around 2000, since then Epic's Unreal Engine has been far more popular than id Tech 4 and its successor id Tech 5.[7]

Modern game engines are some of the most complex applications written, often featuring dozens of finely tuned systems interacting to ensure a precisely controlled user experience. The continued evolution of game engines has created a strong separation between rendering, scripting, artwork, and level design. It is now common, for example, for a typical game development team to have several times as many artists as actual programmers.[8]

First-person shooter games remain the predominant users of third-party game engines, but they are now also being used in other genres. For example, the role-playing video gameThe Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and the MMORPGDark Age of Camelot are based on the Gamebryo engine, and the MMORPG Lineage II is based on the Unreal Engine. Game engines are used for games originally developed for home consoles as well; for example, the RenderWare engine is used in the Grand Theft Auto and Burnout franchises.

Threading is taking on more importance due to modern multi-core systems (e.g. Cell) and increased demands in realism. Typical threads involve rendering, streaming, audio, and physics. Racing games have typically been at the forefront of threading with the physics engine running in a separate thread long before other core subsystems were moved, partly because rendering and related tasks need updating at only 30–60 Hz. For example, on PlayStation 3, physics ran in Need For Speed at 100 Hz versus Forza Motorsport 2 at 360 Hz.

Although the term was first used in the 1990s, there are a few earlier systems in the 1980s that are also considered to be game engines, such as Sierra's Adventure Game Interpreter (AGI) and SCI systems, LucasArts' SCUMM system and Incentive Software's Freescape engine. Unlike most modern game engines, these game engines were never used in any third-party products (except for the SCUMM system which was licensed to and used by Humongous Entertainment).

As game engine technology matures and becomes more user-friendly, the application of game engines has broadened in scope. They are now being used for serious games: visualization, training, medical, and military simulation applications, with the CryEngine being one example.[9] To facilitate this accessibility, new hardware platforms are now being targeted by game engines, including mobile phones (e.g. Android phones, iPhone) and web browsers (e.g. WebGL, Shockwave, Flash, Trinigy's WebVision, Silverlight, Unity Web Player, O3D and pure DHTML).[10]

3d Game Engines 2019

Additionally, more game engines are being built upon higher level languages such as Java and C#/.NET (e.g. TorqueX, and Visual3D.NET), Python (Panda3D), or Lua Script (Leadwerks). As most 3D rich games are now mostly GPU-limited (i.e. limited by the power of the graphics card), the potential slowdown due to translation overheads of higher level languages becomes negligible, while the productivity gains offered by these languages work to the game engine developers' benefit.[11] These recent trends are being propelled by companies such as Microsoft to support Indie game development. Microsoft developed XNA as the SDK of choice for all video games released on Xbox and related products. This includes the Xbox Live Indie Games [12] channel designed specifically for smaller developers who don't have the extensive resources necessary to box games for sale on retail shelves. It is becoming easier and cheaper than ever to develop game engines for platforms that support managed frameworks.[13]

Game engines as an industry[edit]

Producers of game engines decide how they allow users to utilize their products. Just as gaming is an industry, so are the engines they are built off of. The major game engines come at varying prices, whether it be in the form of subscription fees or license payments. [14]


One of the major game engines used to create several notable games such as Fortnite, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and Life is Strange 2, the Unreal Engine 4 adopted a free-to-use structure with a royalty on all game sales using this engine.[15] Although the differences among the different game engines blur as they are built upon during the game creation process, different game developers may either be too used to a system to change, or attracted by the huge benefits of such engines regardless of pay-walls.

Another game engine currently bringing in a notable income would be the Unity engine, utilizing a similar pay module to the aforementioned Unreal Engine. [16] This engine is the one behind games such as Rust, Subnautica, and Life is Strange Before the Storm.


Among the other game engines available, Unreal Engine and Unity are often compared and considered competitors on the business side of game engineering. [17]

Game middleware[edit]

In the broader sense of the term, game engines themselves can be described as middleware. In the context of video games, however, the term 'middleware' is often used to refer to subsystems of functionality within a game engine. Some game middleware does only one thing but does it more convincingly or more efficiently than general purpose middleware. For example, SpeedTree was used to render the realistic trees and vegetation in the role-playing video gameThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[18] and Fork Particle was used to simulate and render real time particle system visual effects or particle effects in Sid Meier's Civilization V.[19]

The four most widely used middleware packages[20] that provide subsystems of functionality include RAD Game Tools' Bink, Firelight FMOD, Havok, and Scaleform GFx. RAD Game Tools develops Bink for basic video rendering, along with Miles audio, and Granny 3D rendering. Firelight FMOD is a low cost robust audio library and toolset. Havok provides a robust physics simulation system, along with a suite of animation and behavior applications. Scaleform provides GFx for high performance Flash UI and high-quality video playback, and an Input Method Editor (IME) add-on for in-game Asian chat support.

Other middleware is used for performance optimisation - for example 'Simplygon' helps to optimise and generate level of detail meshes, and 'Umbra' adds occlusion culling optimisations to 3d graphics.

Some middleware contains full source code, others just provide an API reference for a compiled binary library. Some middleware programs can be licensed either way, usually for a higher fee for full source code.

First-person shooter engines[edit]

A subset of game engines are 3D first-person shooter (FPS) game engines. Groundbreaking development in terms of visual quality is done in order to get FPS games to its current standard. The level of visual details emphasized in these games have become increasingly precise, something that engines focused on flight and driving simulators and real-time strategy (RTS) games don't contain.

The development of the FPS graphic engines that appear in games can be characterized by a steady increase in technologies, with some breakthroughs. Attempts at defining distinct generations lead to arbitrary choices of what constitutes a highly modified version of an 'old engine' and what is a brand-new engine.[21]

The classification is complicated as game engines blend old and new technologies. Features that were considered advanced in a new game one year become the expected standard the next year. Games with a mix of older generation and newer feature are the norm.

See also[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Game engines.


  1. ^'What is a Game Engine?'. GameCareerGuide.com. Retrieved 2013-11-24.
  2. ^Cowan, Danny. 'Joystiq'. Gamedaily.com. Retrieved 2013-11-24.
  3. ^'Rise of Middleware'. Develop-online.net. 2007-07-06. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  4. ^Report on Use of Middleware in GamesArchived October 17, 2013, at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^'War Game Construction Kit'. Oh!FM. Archived from the original on 3 September 2012. Retrieved 3 September 2012.
  6. ^'Thunder Force Construction'. Oh!FM. Archived from the original on 1 September 2012. Retrieved 1 September 2012.
  7. ^Bramwell, Tom (2007-08-09). 'id Tech 5 Interview • Page 1 • Interviews •'. Eurogamer.net. Retrieved 2013-11-24.
  8. ^'Game Development Team Composition Study - Changes over time'. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  9. ^'Video Games Starting to Get Serious'. Gazette.net. 2007-08-31. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  10. ^'Gaming: Mobile and Wireless Trends for 2008'. M-trends.org. Archived from the original on 2011-01-08. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  11. ^3D Game Engine Programming (book). Books.google.com. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  12. ^'xboxlivecommunitygames.org'. xboxlivecommunitygames.org. Retrieved 2013-11-24.
  13. ^'Microsoft to Enable User-Created XBox 360 Games'. Retrieved 2017-05-05.
  14. ^'The 10 Best Video Game Engines 2018 Edition'. The Ultimate Resource for Video Game Design. 2017-03-11. Retrieved 2019-05-15.
  15. ^Savage, Phil (2015-03-02). 'Unreal Engine 4 is now free'. PC Gamer. Retrieved 2019-05-15.
  16. ^'The Two Engines Driving the $120B Gaming Industry Forward'. CB Insights Research. 2018-09-20. Retrieved 2019-05-15.
  17. ^'Unity vs Unreal: Ultimate Game Engine Showdown'. The Ultimate Resource for Video Game Design. 2019-02-11. Retrieved 2019-05-15.
  18. ^'Gamusutra Product Review of Top Vegetation Middleware'. Gamasutra.com. 2003-10-01. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  19. ^'Firaxis Using Fork Particle Toolset For Civ V's Visual Effects'. Gamasutra. 2010-10-06. Retrieved 2013-11-24.
  20. ^'Gamasutra Engine and Middleware Technology Survey'. Gamasutra.com. 2009-05-08. Retrieved 2011-01-17.
  21. ^Hauteville, Cédric (2011-04-02). 'Technical Game Design: Aim systems in First Person Shooters'. Technical Game Design. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Game_engine&oldid=916663428'

Game engines are tools available for game designers to code and plan out a game quickly and easily without building one from the ground up. Whether they are 2D or 3D based, they offer tools to aid in asset creation and placement. Katekyo hitman reborn games online.


Note: The following list is not exhaustive. Also, it mixes game engines with rendering engines as well as API bindings without any distinctions.

NamePrimary programming languageScriptingCross-platform2D/3D orientedTarget platformNotable gamesLicenseNotes and references
4A EngineC++Yes3DWindows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox OneMetro 2033, Metro: Last Light, Metro ExodusProprietary
A-Frame (VR)HTML, JavaScriptJavaScriptYes3DCross-platformA-Painter[1]MITOpen source Entity component systemWebVR framework
Adventure Game InterpreterC styleYes2DDOS, Apple SOS, ProDOS, Classic Mac OS, Atari TOSListProprietary
Adventure Game StudioC++AGSScriptYes2DWindows, LinuxChzo Mythos, BlackwellArtistic 2.0Mostly used to develop third-person pre-renderedgraphic adventure games, one of the most popular for developing amateur adventure games
AlamoYes3DWindows, OS X, Xbox 360Star Wars: Empire at War, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, Universe at War: Earth AssaultProprietary
Aleph OneC++Lua, Marathon markup languageYes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS XAleph One (Marathonremake)GPLFPS engine
AllegroCAda, C++, C#, D, Lisp, Lua, Mercury, Pascal, Perl, Python, SchemeYes2DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, Raspberry Pi, DOSFactorio[2]zlibGraphics, audio, input
Antiryad GxC, AssemblerC, C++, GelYes2D, 3DWindows, DOS, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android, AmigaOS, AROS, MorphOS, NACLProprietary
AnuraC++, FFL[3]FFL[3]Yes2DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10Frogatto & Friends, Argentum Age[4], Cube Trains[5]zlib[citation needed], feature freeze
AnvilC++, C#Yes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox OneListProprietary
AppGameKitC++, BASICC#, C++, AGK BASICYes2D, 3DWindows, Mac, iOS, Android, HTML5, Raspberry PiEchoes, Driving Test Success Apps, SquashiesProprietary
Ardor3DJavaYes3DCross-platformzlibFork of jMonkeyEngine 2.0
Aurora toolsetC++NWScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XNeverwinter NightsProprietary
BigWorldPythonYes3DWindows, Linux, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3ListProprietary
Blend4WebJavaScript, Python, C, C++JavaScriptYes3DWebGL, Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, AndroidExperience Curiosity, Petigor's Tale, Back to the Middle AgesGPLv3 or commercialGame content, including graphics, animation, sound, and physics, is authored in the 3D modeling and animation suite Blender[6]
BlenderC, C++PythonYes2D, 3DWindows, Linux, OS X, SolarisYo Frankie!, Sintel The Game, ColorCubeGPL2D/3D game engine packaged in a 3D modeler with integrated Bullet physics library[7][8]
Bork3D Game EngineC++Yes3DIOS, OS X, WindowsListBSD
BRenderYes3DWindows, DOS, PlayStationCarmageddon, FX Fighter, I-War (Independence War).Proprietary
Build engineCYes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS X, DOSDuke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Redneck RampageCustom, free non-commercial useFPS engine; 2.5D, 2D grid base geometry
BuildboxC++Yes2DWindows, OS X, iOS, AndroidBall Jump, Sky, The Line Zen, PhasesProprietaryDrag and drop game builder without scripting
C4 EngineYes3DPlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Windows, OS X, Linux, iOSListProprietaryRetired, no longer available for licensing[9]
Cafu EngineC++LuaYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XGPL or ProprietaryIncludes map editor and networking[10]
Chrome EngineC++Yes3DWindows, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox OneListProprietary
ClanLibC++Yes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS Xzlib
ClausewitzC++Yes3DWindows, OS X, LinuxAll Paradox Development Studio games since 2007Proprietary
Clickteam FusionYes2DWindows, iOS, Android, HTML5, Adobe FlashFive Nights at Freddy'sProprietary
Cocos2d, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5C++, Python, Objective-C, JavaScriptJavaScript, Java, LuaYes2D, 2.5D, 3DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, TizenHardest Game Ever 2, DQMSL, Tiny Village, Badland, Small Street, Tiny Tower, Pocket Planes, Hill Climb, Star Thief, Geometry DashMITAndroid target binds to Java; iOS target uses Objective-C
CodeaLuaNo2DiOSCargo-BotApache 2.0
ColdstoneYes2DMac OS 9, OS X, WindowsPillars of GarendallProprietary
ConstructC++JavaScript, Event SystemYes2DWindows, OS X, Wii U, HTML5 capable internet browsersProprietary, GPL Classic version
CopperCubeYes3DWindows, OS X, Android, WebGL, Adobe FlashProprietary
Core3DObjective-CYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOSCoreBreach3D Engine MIT, Source Code GPL v2[11]
CoronaLuaYes2DiOS, Android, Kindle, Windows Phone 8, Apple TV, Android TV, OS X, WindowsProprietary
CPAL3DNo3DWindowsMemento MoriProprietary
Creation EngineC++PapyrusYes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 4, Fallout 76Proprietary
CryEngineC++Lua, C#Yes3DWindows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, iOS, AndroidListProprietary
Crystal ToolsYes3DPlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, WiiListProprietary
Crystal SpaceC++Java, Perl, PythonYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XKeepsake, The Crystal Scrolls, Yo Frankie!LGPL
CubeC++Yes3DWindows, Linux, OS XAssaultCube, CubezlibPrior generation (means it has a successor), 2D grid-based system, optimized for outdoor not indoor maps
Cube 2: SauerbratenC++CubeScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XCube 2: Sauerbraten, Red EclipsezlibEfficient 6-directional height map based geometry (versus traditional Polygon soup model), hence the name Cube, FPS engine
Dagor EngineYes3DWindows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Linux, OSXListProprietary
Dark EngineC++No3DWindowsThief: The Dark Project, System Shock 2, Thief II: The Metal AgeProprietaryAdvanced AI and sound features (full control of sound propagation). Edited with DromEd.
DecimaNo3DPlayStation 4Death Stranding, Horizon Zero Dawn, Killzone Shadow Fall, Until Dawn, Until Dawn: Rush of BloodProprietary
DefoldLuaLuaYes2DiOS, Android, HTML5, Windows, OSX, LinuxBlastlands, Blossom Blast Saga, Pet Rescue Puzzle Saga, Family Age, Hammerwatch ColiseumProprietary
DimensioneX Multiplayer EngineJavaJava, VBScriptYes2.5DCross-platformUnderworld OnlineGPLProduces browser games with pseudo-3D views; games can be made into Facebook Apps; intended for beginners
DX StudioC++JavaScriptNo3DWindowsproprietary, Freeware
Dunia EngineC++Yes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox OneListProprietaryBased on CryEngine
egoYes3DPlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360, OS X, Wii, Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4ListProprietaryPrimarily used for racing games
Electron toolsetC#NWScriptNo3DWindowsNeverwinter Nights 2Proprietary
Elflight EngineJavaYes3DCross-platformProprietaryTargeted for web based games
EnforceNo3DWindowsShade: Wrath of Angels, Alpha Prime, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, Take On MarsProprietary
Enigma EngineYes3DWindows, OS X,Blitzkrieg, Blitzkrieg 2Proprietary
Esperient CreatorLangLisp, CScriptNo3DWindowsProprietary
Essence EngineNo3DWindowsListProprietary
EuphoriaYes3DWindows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, iOS, AndroidProprietary
ExultC++Yes2DWindows, Linux, OS X, BSDGPLFree software re-implemented Ultima VII game engine
Flare3DActionScript 3Yes3DWeb, Windows, iOS, Android, BlackBerryListProprietary
FlixelActionScriptYes2DVarious games by Gregory WeirMITBoilerplate code for Flash games
Forgelight EngineNo3DWindowsFree Realms, PlanetSide 2, Landmark, EverQuest Next, H1Z1: Just Survive, H1Z1: King of the KillProprietary
Fox EngineYes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox OneListProprietary
FreescapeFreescape Command LanguageYes3DAmstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, IBM PC, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Atari STListProprietary
FrostbiteC++Yes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox OneListProprietaryUsed originally for Battlefield (series) video games
Future PinballNo3DWindowsFreeware
GamebryoC++Yes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox OneListProprietary
Game EditorCustom (C styled)Yes2DiPhone, iPad, OS X, Windows (95-Windows 7), Linux, Windows-based smartphones, GP2X, Pocket PCs, Handheld PCsGPL, Proprietary
GameMaker StudioGMLGame Maker Language, JavaScript, GLSLYes2D, 3DWindows, Windows 8, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, OS X, Ubuntu, HTML5, Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Tizen, Amazon Fire TV, Nintendo SwitchList of GameMaker Studio gamesProprietaryLimited 3D abilities
GamePlay3DC++LuaYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, BlackBerry 10, AndroidApache 2.0Aimed at the indie game developer ecosystem, similar features to cocos2d-x
GameSaladLangScriptYes2DiOS, AndroidProprietary
GamestudioC-Script, Lite-CNo3DWindowsListProprietaryGames can be published royalty-free
GamvasJavaScriptJavaScriptYes2DHTML5MITHTML5 canvas game engine with Box2D integration
GodotC++GDScript, C#, Visual Script, GDNativeYes2D, 2.5D, 3DWindows, macOS, Linux, UWP, iOS, Android, HTML and Web AssemblyMITOpen source. 3.0+ adds C# scripting plus other languages via modules and GDNative. PBR and Global Illumination.
Gold BoxAssembly, Pascal, C, C++Yes2DAmiga, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64/128, DOS, Macintosh, Nintendo Entertainment System, PC-9801, Sega GenesisPool of Radiance, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, Champions of Krynn, Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday, Neverwinter Nights, Spelljammer: Pirates of RealmspaceProprietarySSI's engine for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role-playing games
GoldSrcC, C++, AssemblyYes3DWindows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 2, Xbox, DreamcastHalf-Life, Team Fortress Classic, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Counter-Strike, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life: Decay, Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike Neo, Counter-Strike OnlineProprietaryHighly modified Quake engine
HeroEngineC++, C#HeroScript LanguageNo3DWindowsStar Wars: The Old RepublicProprietary
Horde3DC++Yes3DWindows, LinuxEPLSmall 3D rendering engine for large crowds of animated characters
HPL EngineC++AngelScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XPenumbra: Overture, Penumbra: Black Plague, Penumbra: Requiem, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, SomaProprietary, GPL version 1Cross-platform, compatible with OpenGL, OpenAL, and Newton Game Dynamics libraries; defining features include ability for advanced object interaction via use of Newton's physics code
id Tech 1 (Doom)CACSYes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS XDoom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, Chex QuestGPL2D-based level geometry, sprites, and particles, uses clever methods to give illusion of 3D depth
id Tech 2 (Quake)CQuakeCYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XQuakeGPLFirst true 3D id Tech engine
id Tech 2 (Quake II)CCYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XQuake IIGPLAlso termed the Quake II engine
id Tech 3CCYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XQuake III ArenaGPLAlso termed the Quake III engine
id Tech 4C++C++ via DLLsYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XDoom 3, Doom 3 BFG Edition, Quake 4, Prey, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Wolfenstein, BrinkGPLAlso termed the Doom 3 engine; features advanced: lighting, shadows, interactive GUI surfaces
id Tech 5C++, AMPL, Clipper, PythonScriptYes3DWindows, OS X, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4Rage, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, The Evil WithinProprietaryFirst id Tech engine to feature MegaTexture technology, starting with Rage
id Tech 6C++Yes3DWindows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo SwitchDoom (2016), Wolfenstein II: The New ColossusProprietary
id Tech 7C++Yes3DWindows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo SwitchDoom EternalProprietary
iMUSEN/AN/AIntegrated with other enginesMonkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, all LucasArts adventure games afterwardsProprietaryDynamic music system
Infinity EngineYes2DWindows, Mac OS, OS X, AmigaOS 4Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, Icewind Dale IIProprietary
IrrlichtC++C++Yes3DWindows, Mac OS, Linux, Windows CEList of Irrlicht gameszlibOpen source, audio with extension
ioquake3CYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XUrban TerrorGPL
Iron EngineNo3DWindowsSins of a Solar Empire, Sins of a Dark AgeProprietary
IW engineC++Yes3DWindows, OS X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, WiiCall of Duty seriesProprietaryOriginally built from id Tech 3
Jake2JavaYes3DCross-platformGPLJava port of Quake II game engine
Java3DJavaYes3DCross-platformBSDCommunity-centric project. Last version 1.6.0 (April 2015). Used by many schools as part of course work
JediCYes2.5DDOS, WindowsStar Wars: Dark Forces, OutlawsProprietaryRumored to have been reverse-engineered from Doom engine
jMonkeyEngineJavaYes3DCross-platformBSDCommunity-centric project, used by several commercial game studios
KineticaNo3DPlayStation 2ListProprietary
Kivy (framework)PythonKvYes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, AndroidDeflectouch, FishLifeMITFor rapid development, can make multi-touch apps
LayaAirActionScript 3, JavaScript, TypeScriptYes2D, 3DWebGL, Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, AndroidGPL or commercial2D/3D game engine and also VR mode, provide free tools to convert 3d assets content from FBX files or Unity scene.
LeadwerksC++LuaYes3DWindows, LinuxHoodwink, Rogue SystemProprietary
LibGDXJavaYes2D, 3DGNU/Linux, Windows, OS X, iOS, Android, Java applet, WebGLIngressApache 2.0Java game development framework, provides a unified API that works across all supported platforms
LumberyardC++LuaYes3DPlayStation 4, Xbox One, WindowsProprietaryThe software is free to download and use however is works closely with amazon services.
Luminous StudioYes3DPlayStation 4, Xbox One, WindowsFinal Fantasy XVProprietary
LyNYes3DCross-platformListProprietaryIntended to scale effectively on 7th and 8th generation consoles
LÖVELuaLuaYes2DiOS, Android, Windows, Linux, OS X, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris,and all platforms supported by pkgsrc[12]Mari0, Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne, Move or Die[13]zlib[14]
M.U.G.E.NCYes2DLinux, DOS, Windows, OS XFreewareUsed Allegro initially, now uses on SDL
MarmaladeC++, Lua, Objective-C, HTML5Lua, 2DKitYes2D, 3DiOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows 10, Amazon, OS X, Windows, Tizen, Roku, ChromecastList of Marmalade GamesProprietaryHigh-performance, cross-platform, with authoring tools and asset store
Moai SDKC++LuaYes2DWindows, OS X, iOS, Android, LinuxCrimson Steam Pirates, Broken Age, Lost in ParadiseCPAL
MT FrameworkC++Yes3DPlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation VitaListProprietaryIntended to be 7th generation console engine, replaced by Panta Rhei
MonoGameC#C#Yes2D,3DWindows, OS X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows Phone, iOS, Android, Windows Store, Ouya, BSDSkulls of the Shogun, Bastion, TowerFall, Transistor (video game), Fez (video game), Axiom VergeMicrosoft Public
Nebula EngineNo3DWindowsDrakensang: The Dark Eye, Drakensang: The River of TimeProprietary[citation needed]
Odyssey EngineYes3DWindows, OS XStar Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith LordsProprietary
OGREC++C++Yes3DLinux, Windows (all major versions), OS X, NaCl, WinRT, Windows Phone 8, iOS and AndroidTorchlightMIT3D rendering engine used by several games
OHRRPGCEFreeBASICHamsterSpeakYes2DWindows, OS X, Linux, AndroidWandering HamsterGPLRole-playing game creation system; use of scripting is optional
ONScripterNScripterNScripterYes2DWindows, OS X, Linux, Dreamcast, PSP, iOSNarcissu, Saya no Uta, TsukihimeGPLUsed to develop visual novels and first-person adventure games
OpenClonkC++C4ScriptYes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS XOpenClonkISCEngine for 2D action/strategy platformers with 3D graphics
OpenSimulatorC#LSLYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, FreeBSDBSDServer platform to host virtual worlds, compatible with Second Life clients
ORXC/C++CustomYes2.5DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, AndroidLe Magasin des Suicideszlib3D accelerated
Panda3DC++, PythonPythonYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOSToontown Online, Pirates of the Caribbean OnlineBSD
Panta RheiYes3DPlayStation 4, Xbox One, WindowsDeep DownProprietarySuccessor to MT Framework for 8th generation consoles
PhyreEngineC++Yes3DPC, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4Listproprietary, Freeware
Pie in the SkyCYes2.5DDOS, Windows, OS XListProprietary
PlayCanvasJavaScriptJavaScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, iOS, HTML5, AndroidSwoop, Zombie Pac-manMITUsers can work on game at the same time via online browser and publish to multiple platforms; engine uses WebGL and includes physics
PlayNJavaYes2DiOS, Android, HTML5, Windows, LinuxAngry Birds ChromeApache 2.0
PLIBC++Yes3DWindows, Linux, OS XLGPL
PyrogenesisC++JavaScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X0 A.D.LGPLDesigned for RTS games
QYes3DWindows, OS X , Linux, PS2, PS3, WiiProprietary
QfusionC/C++AngelScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, AndroidWarsowGPL
Real VirtualityC++Yes3DWindows, XboxARMA 2, ARMA 3, DayZProprietary
REDengineC++Yes3DWindows, OS X, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings, The Witcher 3: Wild HuntProprietary
Ren'PyPythonPygameYes2DWindows, OS X, Linux, Android, OpenBSDAnalogue: A Hate Story, Jisei, Katawa Shoujo, Doki Doki Literature Club!MITUsed to develop visual novels and first-person adventure games
RenderWareRWXYes3DWindows, Mac OS, Nintendo GameCube, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation PortableList of RenderWare gamesProprietaryRenderWare script available in version 2 only
Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE)Yes3DWindows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox OneListProprietary
RPG MakerRuby, JavaScriptYes2DPC-8801, MSX2, PC-9801, Super Famicom, Windows, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, Game Boy Color, PlayStation 2, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DSAlpha Kimori, Ao Oni, Aveyond series, Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Corpse Party, Eternal Eden, Laxius Force, One Night Trilogy, Super Columbine Massacre RPG!, To the Moon, Yume NikkiProprietaryGame creation system, allows users to build their own role-playing games
SAGEYes3DWindows, Macintosh, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3ListProprietaryUsed for real-time strategy games
SCUMMYes2D3DO, Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST, CDTV, Commodore 64, FM Towns & Marty, Macintosh, Nintendo Entertainment System, DOS, Windows, Sega Mega-CD, TurboGrafx-16/PC EngineManiac MansionProprietaryFull name is Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion, from the first game it was used with; uses iMUSE and INSANE; ScummVM provides an open source re-creation
Shark 3DC++PythonYes3DWindows, Xbox, Xbox 360Dreamfall: The Longest JourneyProprietary
ShiVaC++LuaYes3DWindows, OS X, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox One, WebGLPrince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame (Mobile remake)Proprietary
Sierra's Creative Interpreter (SCI)Yes2DAmiga, Atari ST, Macintosh, PC-9801, IBM PCVersion list with gamesProprietary
Silent Storm engineNo3DWindowsSilent Storm, Night Watch, Hammer & Sickle, Day WatchProprietaryUsed for turn-based tactics games
SithCOGNo3DWindowsStar Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces IIProprietaryUsed as the basis of the GrimE engine
SnowdropC++Yes3DWindows, Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox OneTom Clancy's The Division, South Park: The Fractured but Whole, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Skull & BonesProprietary
SourceC++Squirrel, LuaYes3DWindows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, AndroidHalf-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Team Fortress 2, others (list)ProprietaryThe SDK is bundled with many Source games
Source 2C++LuaYes3DWindows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS[15]Dota 2 (port)[16], The Lab (limited), Artifact, Dota UnderlordsProprietaryThe first game using Source 2, Dota 2, was ported over from the original Source engine. One of The Lab's minigame Robot Repair uses Source 2 engine while rest of seven uses Unity's engine.
SpringC++C, C++, Java/JVM, Lua, PythonYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XBalanced Annihilation, Zero-KGPLRTS, simulated events, OpenGL
Starling FrameworkActionScriptYes2DWindows, OS X, GNU/Linux, iOS, AndroidAngry Birds Friends, IncredipedeBSD SimplifiedRecreates the traditional Flash display list architecture on accelerated graphics hardware
StencylHaxeHaxeYes2DFlash, HTML5, iOS, Android, Linux, OS X, WindowsProprietaryFree to publish to flash and HTML5. Subscription required for publishing to desktop or mobile.
Autodesk Stingray (Bitsquid)LuaYes3DWindows, Mac, Linux, IOS, Android, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360Proprietary
StepManiaC++LuaYes3DCross-platformIn the Groove, Pump It Up Pro, Pump It Up InfinityMITA rhythm video game and engine that was originally developed as a simulator of Konami's DDR
StratagusCLuaYes2DLinuxBos WarsGPLFor real-time strategy games
SunBurn XNANo3DXbox LiveAvaGlideProprietary
Three.jsJavaScriptJavaScriptYes3D, 2DHTML5, Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, AndroidMIT
TOSHIYes3DWindows, Nintendo GameCube, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 2, XboxJurassic Park: Operation Genesis, Nicktoons Unite!, Barnyard, El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera, de Blob, Marvel Super Hero SquadProprietary
Truevision3DVisual Basic, C++No3DWindowsProprietary
Torque3DC++TorqueScriptYes3DWindows, Linux, OS XMarble Blast Gold, ThinkTanks, Tribes 2, Villagers and Heroes, BlocklandMITIncludes multiplayer network code, seamless indoor-outdoor rendering engines, skeletal animation, drag and drop GUI creation, built in world editor, C-like scripting language
TurbulenzTypeScriptJavaScriptYes2D, 3DHTML5, iOS, AndroidPolycraft, Save the Day, Score RushMIT
UbiArt FrameworkC++Yes2.5DCross-platformRayman Origins, Rayman Legends, Child of Light, Valiant Hearts: The Great WarProprietary
UnigineC++C#, UnigineScript, GLSL, HLSL, UUSLYes3DWindows, Linux, OS X, PlayStation 3, Android, iOSListProprietaryFocused on large open scenes: 64-bit precision of coordinates, support for geo coordintaes, round Earth model. Mainly used in enterprise and professional simulators.
UnityC++C#, Cg, HLSLYes2D, 2.5D, 3DWindows, OS X, LinuxXbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Windows Phone, iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Tizen, Unity Web Player, Windows Store, WebGL, Oculus Rift, Gear VR, Android TV, Samsung Smart TVList of Unity gamesProprietary
Unreal EngineC++GLSL, Cg, HLSL, UnrealScript, C++, BlueprintsYes3DCross-platformList of Unreal Engine gamesProprietaryUnrealScript was removed in version 4
V-Play Game EngineC++QML, JavaScriptYes2DiOS, Android, Windows, OS XListProprietaryBuilt on Qt
Vengeance EngineC++No3DWindowsTribes: Vengeance, SWAT 4ProprietaryBased on Unreal Engine version 2/2.5
Vicious EngineLangScriptYes3DNintendo GameCube, Wii, WiiWare, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Network, WindowsListProprietary
VirtoolsYes3DBallanceProprietaryUsed for game prototyping and rapid development
VisionLangScriptYes3DWindows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, iOS, Android, PlayStation Vita, IE6 and up, Firefox 2.0 and up, Google Chrome, Opera 9 and upListProprietary
Visual3D Game EngineC#/.NETYes3DWindows, Xbox 360ProprietaryCommercial successor to open-source RealmForge engine
Visual PinballC++VBScriptNo3DWindowsMAME-like pre-0.172, then BSD, GPL
VRAGEC#Yes3DWindows, Xbox OneMiner Wars 2081, Space Engineers,Medieval EngineersProprietarySource code was released under a commercial license
Wintermute EngineC++C-like syntaxNo2.5DWindowsDonationware, MIT, LGPLLite version lacks 3D Actor function
World BuilderNo2DSystem 3Freeware
WorldForgeC++Lua (client), Python (server)Yes3DGPLMMORPG framework made of libraries, server, client, media
XenkoC#C#Yes2D/3DCross-platformMITSupports C# 6.0
XnGineNo3DDOSThe Terminator: Future Shock, The Terminator: SkyNET, TES 2: Daggerfall, TES Legends: Battlespire, TES Adventures: RedguardProprietary
Zest3DActionScript 3, C++LuaYes3DWeb, Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, iOS, BlackBerryBoost
Zillions of GamesZillions RulesNo2DWindowsProprietary
NamePrimary programming languageScriptingCross-platform2D/3D orientedTarget platformNotable gamesLicenseNotes and references

See also[edit]


  1. ^'A-Painter: Paint in VR in Your Browser'. Mozilla VR Blog. September 19, 2016. Retrieved October 27, 2016.
  2. ^'Factorio engine modernisation'. Wube Software. Retrieved March 3, 2018.
  3. ^ ab'A Gentle Introduction to Frogatto Formula Language'. frogatto.com. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
  4. ^'Argentum Age'. argentumage.com. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
  5. ^'Cube Trains'. David Roberts. Retrieved February 14, 2018.
  6. ^'Blend4Web Official Site'. Blend4Web.com. Retrieved June 22, 2015.
  7. ^'blender.org - Installation Policy'. Web.archive.org. March 25, 2009. Archived from the original on March 25, 2009. Retrieved August 21, 2012.
  8. ^'Features'. blender.org. Retrieved August 21, 2012.
  9. ^Terathon Software LLC, C4 Engine
  10. ^'Feature List – Cafu 3D Game and Graphics Engine'. Cafu.de. April 18, 2012. Archived from the original on March 4, 2012. Retrieved August 21, 2012.
  11. ^Larabel, Michael. 'CoreBreach Game Goes Open-Source'. phoronix.
  12. ^'pkgsrc.se - The NetBSD package collection'. pkgsrc.se. Retrieved August 19, 2015.
  13. ^'LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine'. Retrieved December 6, 2016.
  14. ^Akinlaja, Damilare. LÖVE2d for Lua Game Programming. ISBN978-1782161608.
  15. ^Bailey, Dustin (March 8, 2018). 'Artifact will use Source 2, bringing the engine to iOS and Android'. PCGamesN. Archived from the original on March 9, 2018. Retrieved March 8, 2018.
  16. ^Martin, Michael. 'Valve Announces Dota 2 Reborn'. IGN. Archived from the original on June 29, 2016. Retrieved July 10, 2016.
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